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EXPLAINED – Home Security, “how safe are my window & doors?”

Date: November 2021

The value of household belongings has nearly tripled since the year 2000. Meaning an average home may have contents valued at £141,000.

Grownup children are living at home longer (so more belongings), we have more tech, more designer clothes, more household accessories, more bikes, golf clubs etc and even more cars on the driveway too.

So, NEVER has the security of your home and its possessions been more important.

We all know the basics such as:

· Not to leave bikes or equipment outdoors

· Keeping front and back doors locked, even when you’re at home

· Don’t leave items such as laptops, smart phones etc by windows openly on display

· Ensure your car keys are kept out of sight and not near your front door

But with all that taken into consideration, how easy would it be for somebody to break into my home?

Well unlike Santa, thieves are not coming down your chimney (Santa only leaves gifts anyway, he doesn’t steal them), so realistically that leaves your doors or windows as the only entry point.

*Window and door security should be your NUMBER 1 consideration before anything else*

Thankfully we’ve got you covered, the windows and doors we supply and fit are all manufactured by companies who have products registered with “Secured by Design” ensuring your peace of mind is GUARANTEED.

Secured by Design (SBD) operates an accreditation scheme on behalf of the UK police for products or services that have met recognised security standards. Such products or services must be capable of deterring or preventing crime and are known as being of a ‘Police Preferred Specification’.

✔Police Approved/Recommended

✔ Latest safety standards

✔Reduce the risk of being burgled

✔May help reduce your home insurance premium

✔Peace of mind

It's not just good for you either, it’s beneficial for your neighbourhood

Academic research has shown repeatedly over the last ten years that this requirement for SBD accredited attack resistant quality products has reduced burglary where they have been installed.

What’s not to LOVE about our window and door options?

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